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D.S. the Messenger Page 4

  Mrs. Stacker says, “Pumpkin, don’t let what just happened upset you.”

  “Momma, I’m not concerned about what he said or how he said it, I just want to know what made him act that way in the first place. That was the first time he’s ever raised his voice to me, or anyone for that matter, since we’ve met.”

  “Well I suppose you all have something to discuss when he returns but be careful because one thing can lead to another. From yelling, to arguing, to hitting, to….”

  “That’s enough, mom. Sage and I have been through a lot of storms and weathered them all! I love him because he has the mind of a scientist, the spirit of a visionary, and treats me well. Momma, the fact is that he can raise his voice from time to time, even at me. This is his home, I am his woman, and he is my man. The bottom line is that nothing on this earth can destroy what Sage and I have. God has blessed us.”

  Mya asks, “Do you think Sage will propose?” Deva sighed and placed a log into the fireplace and lit it, “Yeah, I suppose he will. But if he doesn’t, I’ll leave him.” Mya and Mrs. Stacker said, “Ummmm, right.” Everyone laughs. Mrs. Stacker looked around in the living room and asked, “Pumpkin? Why do you have a cactus next to the fireplace?”

  “Well, I asked Sage about getting a plant or fern for our place and he brings home a cactus. He said this was low maintenance and did not require a lot of my attention. I meant to get rid of it a year ago, but over time it just grew on me.”

  “Well it needs to be moved just in case it catches fire.”

  “It’s fine Momma. I’m getting some tea. Would anyone care to join me?”

  Mya answers, “I’ll have a cup so I’m right behind you and then I’m going home.”

  “Momma? Is there something I can get you as well?”

  “Yes, I’ll be there. I’m just sliding, ugh, this cactus over just a little.” Mrs. Stacker struggled but managed to slide the plant away from the fireplace and noticed mail and other objects behind the plant. Mrs. Stacker gathered everything and walked into the kitchen. “There were a few things on the floor behind that cactus. You and Sage should be careful where you place things.”

  “Thanks Mom, just set in on top of the counter and I’ll get it later.”

  Mya says, “Dee Dee I want to thank you for being here for me girl. Perry’s passing is just so shocking. I knew he was sick, it’s just that now my protector and life guide is gone.”

  “You have a man. Can’t you talk to him? He should be your key right?”

  “My relationship is not that serious. There are levels of trust one has to reach in order for a title of that significance to be placed on his chest. I am focused on what I want in a man and I’m not accepting shortcut men! Clearly based on the puzzled looks on your faces you two may not understand what I mean, so allow me to clarify on this topic.”

  Deva and Mrs. Stacker say, “Please do!”

  Mya sips her tea and says, “If he has a car and a job but lives with mom, that’s a shortcut man! I would like to visit his house from time to time and relax in an environment different from my own. It turns me on and I can physically express how he makes me feel by having his own. If you know what I mean.” Mya stands up from the table and says, “I have entirely too much respect for myself to do that knowingly under another woman’s roof! Here’s another one. If I’m planning a vacation to travel, and I tell him about it several months in advance, of course it’s because I want it to be a couple’s vacation. He say’s okay, he would like that and how much fun it’s going to be and yada, yada, yada. I don’t expect him to pay for the entire trip, and don’t get me wrong ladies if he did, he will receive some bonus points! But he will pay at least half! I will inform him once when the money is due and the amount. If he is into me, he will not forget. If his amnesia kicks in, I will send him a postcard and tell him to burn my number because it’s highly guaranteed that I will be spending my pleasurable moments of my vacation with another, because that sorry man is a shortcut man. Attempting to lavish me and another woman at the same time, oh I will pop those pockets before I release that shortcut man. Momma drama, shortcut man! If his true definition of having employment is seeking employment, he my dear, is a shortcut man. Call me when your ass gets a job! A man that doesn’t work doesn’t eat. I don’t care how low the ding-a-ling swing, if I want a dependent, I’ll adopt or purchase a pet!”

  Deva and Mrs. Stacker laugh hysterically. Mya joined in on the laughter and said, “Seriously, my attitude and handling of men came from the guidance of my brother Perry. I am so much stronger because of him. I am truly blessed to have had Perry and to have Sage in my life.” Deep in thought, Mya was concerned as to why Sage was so upset and was hoping that all would be well for him.



  Sage drove to the gravesite where Perry was laid to rest. He walked up to the grave and began to speak as if Perry could hear every word. “You used me in your sick twisted plot! You’ve committed attempted murder with God only knows how many women. You’ve made me an accessory to your crime! Why couldn’t you talk to me? This is beginning to take a toll on me mentally. I…I can’t deal with this. You actually took my trust and manipulated it! You couldn’t go any lower than what you have done…. Or did you, and I’m completely oblivious to it? I swear to you, if I ever get the opportunity to right your unforgivable wrong, once this is over, I will never refer to you as my brother…ever again. It is clear that you denounced our relationship long ago. For whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter now.”

  Sage took the cigar from the box, placed it in the palm of his hands and rubbed it between his hands until the cigar was completely gone. Sage then removed the lighter and drew back his arm as if to hurl it with all the might his anger would permit, but at the very last second, a desire to keep it overshadowed his anger. Instead, he calmly placed the lighter into his pocket, went back to his car and drove to the local police station.

  When Sage arrived, he approached the service counter where a thinly built police officer stood eating a donut and reading a newspaper and said, “Excuse me officer, I would like to speak to someone about a crime committed.”

  The officer asked, “Was it homicide?”

  “Not yet officer…. Well I really don’t know.”

  “One minute sir. Have a seat and someone will be right out with you.”

  A few moments later, an officer walked out and asked Sage, “May I help you?”

  Sage looked up and noticed the officer, a woman, about 5 feet 7 inches with a medium build, and an Hispanic accent.

  Sage responded, “To make a long story short, my best friend basically had AIDS and used the virus as a weapon to infect cheating married women.”

  “Wow! Um, my name is Officer Mendez.”

  “I’m Sage Mecan.”

  “Well Mr. Mecan, could you please follow me to my desk?” They walked to her desk and the officer rearranged some paperwork on it and asked Sage to take a seat. “I thought I heard a lot of strange cases, but this ranks among the top. Mr. Mecan, How do you know that this happened?”

  “He’s dead now officer, but he left me a DVD.” He hands it to her. The officer placed the DVD into her computer and played it in its entirety.

  “You burned the book didn’t you?”

  “Yes I did.”

  “Sir, he could be lying.”

  “He could be officer, but I seriously doubt it.”

  “Well Mr. Mecan the truth of the matter is that even if you had the book, nothing could be done. They could very well have been clients in his book or they could have been mere fantasies. Can you imagine the homes that would be destroyed if this were nothing but a simple hoax? There are too many questions but no answers. I’m sorry.”

  Sage rose from his seat and noticed the picture frames on Officer Mendez’s desk. “You have beautiful children.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be sure to tell my sister since these are her children. Maybe one day I’ll have kids as beautiful as them.�

  Sage says sarcastically, “And has more of an open mind. Have a safe day officer.”

  Sage left the police station unsatisfied and went home. He walked through the door, took off his shoes and went upstairs. Just then, Deva walked out of the bedroom.

  “Deva, baby, I’m so sorry for raising my voice at you. It was uncalled for.”

  “Well is everything ok now?”

  “No, it isn’t and I’m so sick of this that I don’t know where to begin.”

  Deva pushed the bathroom door open and said, “Then let me ease your tension.” Sage looked in the bathroom and exhaled in a low tone, “Ooh yeahhh.”

  There were candles lit all over the bathroom and along the bathtub. The room was redolent with the aroma of fresh strawberries and vanilla. The bathtub was filled with warm bubble bath water and sea salt. Deva was wearing nothing but an open beige silk robe, undressed Sage from head to toe, and led him by the hand into the bathroom. Once he was inside the tub, Deva began to massage and wash every inch of his body, blew out the candles while moving from one part of his body to another until all of the candles were out. Sage was completely relaxed with a smile on his face while being led out of the tub as Deva dried him off. Deva took him by the hand once more and led him into the bedroom.

  A candle on the dresser dimly lighted the room. Sage leaned back onto the bed as Deva started to lotion his body. Her gentle fingers along with the deep rubbing strokes made Sage feel as though he was falling deeper into a paralyzed state of ecstasy. Sage reached over and placed his arm under her waist and said in a relaxed tone, “Thank you baby.” He rolled her over onto her back and tenderly kissed her on the lips. Deva started to giggle, as he began to hum as his lips roamed all over her body. He securely cupped her buttocks into the palms of his hands and placed his lips on her most sensual spot. He hummed as his tongue rocked the man in the boat. She played with his ears as she rocked her pelvis. Deva licked her lips as they stared into each other’s eyes. As her arousal peaked, Deva grabbed the sheets in her clinched fists and reached for the ceiling, all in one continuous motion. Arching her back and crying, “Oh baby, oh baby yes!”

  Deva slapped the bed and screamed in ecstasy. Slowly, he placed his tool inside her and began long, flexing deep strokes of pleasure as he talked, moaned and groaned passionately in her ear. Deva whined and cried as her legs trembled with unrestrained orgasm after orgasm. Her wetness and throbbing drove him crazy. As long as Deva stayed wet, he stayed hard. He sighed, “We are a perfect fit.” After hours of lovemaking, they both fell off to sleep.


  It was after 6 p.m. when Sage awakened in need to use the bathroom. After fumbling around the house for a few minutes, Deva woke. By this time Sage limped into the bedroom and fell on the bed.

  Sage asked, “Are you going to the kitchen?”

  “Yes honey, do you need anything?”

  “I sure do. I need for you to grab that special ice that I have in the freezer. My knee is asking for special attention and I don’t want to deny it.”

  “If your knees are going out on you that is an early sign of old age,” Deva laughs quietly to herself.

  “Ha ha ha I heard that.”

  “Okay, I’ll be right back.” Deva went down into the kitchen, opened the freezer and noticed a little black box with a card on top that read, “ICE”. Her hands started to tremble and her heart pounded faster. Deva grabbed the box and opened it to the oval diamond ring inside. Deva closed the freezer in shock. Sage was behind the door and down on one knee. Deva gave out a little yelp when she saw him down there with his robe on. Sage reached for the box and Deva placed it in his hand.

  “Deva, on this earth you are the primary purpose in my heart, in my soul, in my life. Without you, I am dead. Deva Adrianne Stacker, will you marry me?”

  Deva cried out, “Of course I will!” Sage placed the ring on her finger. Deva screamed with so much excitement and fainted. Walking out of the kitchen with Deva in his arms, he noticed the mail and a book on the counter.

  Sage said, “Nah, it couldn’t be.” Once he carried her into the bedroom and gently laid her onto the bed, he went into the bathroom and brought back a dampened towel to place on her forehead. He ran downstairs and poured two glasses, one of water, the other of orange juice. As he placed them beside her bed, Deva awakened and said, “Sage, I love you.”

  “Precious, I love you too, but we are going to have to work on the fainting spells,” he laughed.

  “I know, but you have to take into consideration that I’m already worn out and your proposal just pushed me over the edge. The feeling that I’m experiencing right at this moment has me so scared that I, I…”

  “You what, Deva?”

  “I just want to stay in bed for a while.”

  “If you like, I will stay here with you, bride to be.”

  “No, I’ll be fine,” Deva whispered.

  “I will be downstairs if you need me. Here is some water and juice if you are thirsty.” Sage pulled the covers over her, kissed her on the lips and left to go back to the kitchen. As he walked towards the counter, he began to feel fidgety and fretful with the need to satisfy his curiosity. Once he picked up the book and opened it, he saw all of the names, addresses and phone numbers of Perry’s ex-girlfriends. He felt like a ton was lifted off of his shoulders. “I can hardly believe this!” Sage said aloud as he walked into the living room. He thought, it doesn’t matter how it got there, I can care less. The bottom line is that I have it and I’m never letting it leave my sight! Now what to do next? I can’t take it back to the police station. The officer told me simply that there’s not enough to pursue even if I did have the book. The only way to right this wrong is to tell them directly. Face to face.

  Sage noticed that the women were scattered all over the U.S. “Alaska!” Sage yelled and thought, I know this is going to be difficult. I can keep the stores in operation, but my traveling expenses may run pretty deep. Oh! That’s right! Perry said that he left me some money. Tomorrow I will go to the bank and check out the deposit box. If it’s enough, the wheels will turn. If not, I don’t know what I’ll do to reach them.


  Monday morning, Sage held an emergency conference call meeting from his home office with the store managers. “I will be out for a while and I’m uncertain as to how long. I’m going to leave the stores in your hands until I return. If you have any problems, call one another. I’m the last resort. Do you understand my number ones?” The managers responded with a simultaneous, “Yes.”

  “Good. And when you pray, if you do pray…Keep me in them. I have to go. Goodbye.” Sage hangs up the phone. Deva walks into the room and asks, “Baby? Are you hungry?”

  “I am but I have to get dressed and go to Banai Bank. I think Perry left some money for me and I need to know exactly how much.”

  “Do you think it’s a lot?”

  “I think it is since the safe deposit box is at Banai. You have to take into consideration that Banai Bank is for those with very large accounts.”

  Deva asks with a puzzled look, “Well, we are not into any financial problems are we?”

  “No baby, not at all.”

  “Oh, okay. Well what are you going to do with it may I ask?” Deva puts her arms around Sage. “Sit down,” he said. Deva sat on his lap. He looks directly into her eyes and said, “Deva I have to leave town for a few days…Perry did something so unspeakable that it is hard for me to even talk about it right now.”

  “Is it really that bad?”

  “It’s a horrific and detestable act. It’s a temporary burden that I’ve chosen to bear until its end.”

  “You can tell me anything.”

  “I’m aware of that, but my conscience alone isn’t eased and as soon as this is all over, I will tell you everything.”

  “You are scaring me.”

  “Don’t be. It’s just that I’m always sharing everything with you and this is the first time that I am not. Right now, this is be
tween me, Perry, and God. I need for you to trust me. Can you do that?”

  “Yes. I do and always will.”

  “Woman I love you so much that all I want is happiness flowing through your heart and sexy body, period.” They kiss. “I’ll grab some fruit on the way out.

  He got dressed, grabbed some fruit from the kitchen and left for the bank.

  Once he arrived and stepped inside of Banai Bank, he asked a bank representative about safe deposit boxes. The representative instructed him to go downstairs. Once downstairs, he sees an old man sitting at a desk.

  “May I help you?”

  “Yes sir you can. I have a safe deposit box that I wish to see.”

  “Sure sir, your name?”

  “My name is Sage Mecan and the account holder is Perry Strong. I think my name is listed as an alternate or beneficiary to the box.”

  “Do you have identification Mr. Mecan?”

  “I do.” Sage hands the old man his driver’s license. After a few moments of reviewing the information on the computer, he stands up and says, “Since you are here that means Mr. Strong is no longer with us, correct?”

  Sage’s facial expression changed from respectful to stern after hearing Perry’s name. “That is correct.”

  The old man hands Sage his I.D. and says, “Indeed it’s very sad to hear this. Please give my regards to Mrs. Strong.”

  “I most certainly will.”

  “Mr. Mecan, please follow me.” Walking through glass doors, the old man continues to talk. “Every so often a client of credence makes special requests of our bank, and we respectfully honor them to their fullest. This sir, is one of those moments. Do you have a key Mr. Mecan?”

  “Yes I do.”

  “Place it in here please.”

  Sage placed the key into the lock and at the same time the old man placed a key into the other lock and turned it. The box opened.

  “Mr. Mecan, the table is over there and when you are finished, you must exit through the side panel door, down the hallway and out of the blue door. Good day Mr. Mecan.”